Thursday, December 1, 2011

I Finally DID IT!!!

Hey Family,

This Thanksgiving I had sooooo much to be thankful for!

There I was, 11 years to the day and I had finally finished my very first book, The Self Love Lessons: 7 Lessons Every Woman Must 
Learn About Herself and the Power of Womanhood.

Part of Living Self Love is being comfortable in celebrating your own successes. Having said that, I am sooo excited and so proud of myself.

It's been a VERY LONG time coming and I really do pray that it is a valuable resource to everyone who reads it.

I find it even more interesting that this was the 11th anniversary of My Silent Weekend; the weekend that God revealed this to me as my life's assignment. In addition to that, the book's completion falls in the 11th month of the year 2011. 11th anniversary was 11/2011: There must be some significance to that.

It's been said that the pain that we 'grow through' in our lives wasn't for us at all. The lessons that we learn through our challenging experiences always prove to be invaluable nuggets of wisdom for those in our world. Well, this book is no different.

Through many years of physical, emotional, financial and relational PAIN, I have learned a lot about myself, about God and about the strength and power that my life holds when I fully embrace God's command for self love.

In the next few weeks, I'll be launching a series of FREE videos on The Self Love Lessons to give away some of the most valuable nuggets covered in the book. I hope you stay in touch. I'd hate for you to miss out.

Finally, I am so very thankful for YOU!!! Thankful that you have been on this journey right along with me. I am elated to be able to share with you what God has poured into me over the years.

Let's all start the new year with a focus on stepping into the most powerful version of ourselves.

I can't wait to share more with you but for now, LIKE me on my Facebook Fan Page (, follow me, leave a comment here and 'Share the Love' with your family and friends!

Keep Loving You, Queenie!


  1. This is profound, Kellye! I will be keeping posted and spreading the word...XOXO Tre

  2. OMG! Kellye I am so very proud of you. I could just cry tears of joy :) God is so amazing and awesome. I can't wait to read the book :) Hard work, God's work really does pay off. James 1:12 - Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. Amen! Galatians 6:9 - Let us not become weary in well doing, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we faint not, and finally Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. His promises are true :) God bless and continue to be a vessel and allow God to use you for His glory :)

  3. Kellye I loved the Self Love TV topics. The one that really spoke to me and my situation right now was "How Well Do You Receive Correction". LOL I could relate, understand, and except everything you talked about. Wow it's so amazing, knowing you for as long as I have, I can see us talking and I'm sharing something with you and then you saying, "Now Sherry you were you were wrong and that was just not right", we would laugh and you would help me to see how to correct what ever it may be. But I love that in you and always have :)Keep up the excellent work and keep talking to us about love and self love ;)

  4. Queenie,

    How liberating can a bath be? Thanks to "The Self Love Lessons", I am learning that I do have time to take a bath! LOL. Somewhere between my 30s and my 50s, I told myself I only had time to take a shower. Only a few months ago, I comtemplated asking my husband to consider remoldeling our master bath so that we could get rid of the tub and install a suana for him. Not once during all my travels had I used one of those big, luxurious hotel bathtubs; and I can count one hand how many times I had taken a bath in our current home of 10 years!!! Well, that was then and this is now. During my Feb stay in Florida, I used the beautiful garden tub in our hotel room everyday! When I returned home, I immediately ran me a bubble bath in my own tub. The only thing that's kept me from using it everyday is a back injury that currently prevents me from getting in the bathtub. But, as soon as I am able to get in an out again with ease, I will be trying out my new bubble bath!!!!


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Thanks for Sharing The Love! Queenie!