Friday, September 21, 2012

Wisdom Sister Circle Live Event - Sept 2012

Are You Angry and You Don't Even Know It?

Do you ever over-react in anger? Do traffic and/or selfish drivers set you off? Do you ever feel overly irritable? Is somebody always on your nerves?

Or are you like me and when you get angry, you just stuff it inside and focus on something else in and effort to ignore your rage until you are in a better place or emotional space to deal with it effectively?

Well, sadly these are all red flags that a serious problem is brewing and if you don’t take a look at it for what it is now, it will undoubtedly build up. And we don’t want you to be the next woman featured on the TV show ‘Snapped’.  Trust me, I know.

This recently happened to me and unfortunately, I was the one who was left standing there to clean up the mess that my repressed anger had made.

I learned a lot from that experience and tomorrow 9/22/12 @5:30pm, at our Wisdom Sister Circle, we will chat all about it.

What are you mad about? Do you know what your triggers are? Is anger ever healthy? What is a healthy response? We’ll discuss all of this and a whole lot more tomorrow evening.

We’ll see you there and remember to RSVP and Bring a Friend!

Hugz, Queenie

Click here to see the original invite.

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Thanks for Sharing The Love! Queenie!